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What Am I Going to Do with The Rest of My Life?

Have you ever asked yourself “What am I going to do with the rest of my life?” I can’t answer this question for anyone other than myself but offer you some tips on how to work it out. Often, when faced with a major life decision, we tend to either take the first choice that presents or allow circumstances to choose for us – putting off the decision until something happens. This is not a great way to get what you want out... read more

8 Benefits of Finding Clarity

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and confused by the never-ending stream of activities, choices, and decisions you need to navigate every day. Sometimes the best course of action is to slow down and quiet your thoughts so you can hear that inner voice that guides you when your mind is clear enough to hear it. Tapping into this clarity of thought is important because it enables you to understand what brings peace, joy, and fulfillment into your... read more

Getting Social Confidence

We all have varying levels of confidence. Most people are more confident in attempting something they’ve done before than when they’re trying something new. That’s natural. Your confidence can go up and down depending on so many different factors. In social settings, things outside of your control can cause you to have a low level of confidence in your abilities. This happens all the time in social situations. If you already... read more

The Pitfalls of Chasing Success

Success is often seen as the ultimate goal in life. Many people spend their entire lives striving for it. However, this pursuit can include some negative consequences. It might not actually be the key to our happiness. Here are 9 reasons why you should reconsider your obsession with success. 1. Success Isn’t Easy to Define Success is subjective, and what may be considered a success by one person may not be considered the same by another.... read more

Improve your Life

Below are six simple shifts you can make in less than a week to prioritise your mental health. Choose the ones that resonate with you and ditch the rest. The goal is not to go through the motions as a means of overachieving but to dial into whichever practices best suit you and your needs. 1. Slow Down We live in a culture of constant busyness, where more is often seen as better. When it comes to taking care of your mental health, however,... read more

Where Are You Going in Life?

What do you want to achieve? Before you decide what, you want to achieve with your life. Review where you are going, are you clear about this? Take time out to think about and write down your goals for your life? Write it down Research shows that only 3% of people write down their goals, and on average these people earn 10 times those who don’t have goals. Plus, research shows that people with up-to-date written goals are as much as 3100% more... read more

We do Skype Appointments

Is distance a problem? If you live in another city, state, or country (yes, we do have overseas clients), we offer appointments via Skype or phone.


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